| 1. | Zimbabwean salesman has been living there for about a year 一位津巴布韦销售员在这个地方一直住了大约一年。 |
| 2. | Six illegal zimbabweans are picked up and ushered into the police car 六位非法入境的津巴人被发现并把他们关到了警车里。 |
| 3. | Many zimbabweans say they will go back if things improve at home 许多津巴布韦人讲道,如果国内的情况有所改善,他们是愿意回国的。 |
| 4. | The zimbabwean was started in february and is based in southampton , england 辛巴威人报在今年二月开办,基地则在英国的南安普敦。 |
| 5. | These outlets have all found innovative ways around the zimbabwean government ' s restrictive laws 这些媒体都找到办法,避过辛巴威法律的严苛规定。 |
| 6. | The price per copy is 4 , 000 zimbabwean dollars , or 68 cents at the official exchange rate 每份售价是400辛巴威币,照官方汇率换算,就是美金68分钱。 |
| 7. | Murphy ' s staff , as well as that of sw radio africa , is made up almost entirely of zimbabwean journalists 莫菲和sw非洲电台的员工,几乎全部都是辛巴威的新闻记者。 |
| 8. | Zimbabwean teachers , forced out by hunger and repression , work as security guards and shop assistants 被饥饿和压迫驱逐在外的津巴布韦教师们承担着保安和店员的工作。 |
| 9. | In recent months mugabe has been exhorting zimbabweans to learn mandarin and take up chinese cuisine 近来几个月里,穆加贝一直在热心的劝告津巴布韦人学普通话,契中国菜。 |
| 10. | A drop in the ocean : the wfp reckons it will have to feed as many as 4m zimbabweans by next april 这实在只是沧海一粟:联合国粮食计划署预计,到明年4月,他们必须为400万津巴布韦人提供必需品。 |