The nobel prize in chemistry : ahmet h . zewail 诺贝尔化学奖-艾哈迈德泽维尔
The 1999 nobel prize in chemistry was rewarded for professor ahmed h . zewail , california institute of technology , pasadena , usa for his studied of the transition states of chemical reaction using femtosecond spectroscopy . his pioneering investigation of fundamental chemical reactions , using ultra - short laser flashes , on the time - scale on which the reactions actually occur , and the development of femtochemistry are introduced 介绍了1999年诺贝尔化学奖得主哈迈德.泽维尔教授采用激光技术研究超快化学反应,特别是对飞秒化学所作的先驱性研究以及飞秒化学的产生与发展。