| 1. | Mountain sickness and environment in qing - zang plateau 青藏高原自然环境与高原病 |
| 2. | The theoretical source of zang kejias thoughts about poetry 臧克家诗论的本土渊源 |
| 3. | Several questions on the research of zang yi corridor 藏彝走廊研究中的几个问题 |
| 4. | A brief review to the academic ideas of prof . chien wei - zang 钱伟长学术思想浅论 |
| 5. | The chinese type of topic by zang ke - jia - his poetry before 臧克家诗歌理论述评 |
| 6. | Huancheng road xianggelira zang distract diqing yunnan 云南省昆明市沿河路42号 |
| 7. | Population and sources of the zang race of gansu provience 甘肃藏族地区的人口与资源 |
| 8. | The basic character of ancient zang yi corridor 藏彝走廊古代通道的基本特点 |
| 9. | An aesthetic interpretation of zang kejia ' s new - poetic style 臧克家新诗文体的审美阐释 |
| 10. | The rural imagery in the description of zang ke - jia 臧克家笔下的乡村意象 |