Harry burt invented the chocolate covered vanilla4 ice cream bar on a stick in youngstown , ohio in 1920 - and the now biggest ice cream company good humor was born 1920年,哈利?布尔特在俄亥俄州的扬斯敦发明了带棒的巧克力香草冰淇淋? ?目前世界上最大冰淇淋生产商和露雪就这样诞生了。
John lost the camera outside the stadium at the sept . 1 ohio state - youngstown state football game after asking a cheerleader to take pictures of him and his 10 - year - old son noah posing with brutus buckeye , the team mascot 约翰在9月1日俄州大对上杨斯顿州大的美式足球比赛当天,于俄州大体育场外要求一名啦啦队员帮他与10岁儿子诺亚跟俄州大球队吉祥物布鲁特斯巴盖(七叶树)合照后,弄丢了相机。