| 1. | This particular piece is from the yongle period - - 这件物品是明朝永乐年间的 |
| 2. | This particular piece is from the yongle period - 这件物品是明朝永乐年间的 |
| 3. | Ming yongle decade and in - situ rock rebuild the temple 明永乐十年又在原址上重建岩庙。 |
| 4. | The murals in the yongle palace total 873 square meters 永乐宫内璧画的总体面积达873平方米。 |
| 5. | Express moral doctrine through bell - yongle bell and beijing ' s bell culture 永乐大钟及北京钟铃文化 |
| 6. | The thesis examines chen as a doctor of suzhou who joined zheng he ' s fleet in the reign of yongle 本文以具体史实考析了陈良绍是明永乐年间随郑和下西洋的苏州医生。 |
| 7. | Jinding appear before built by the emperor yongle , 29 - light reconstruction , beautifully decorated , sumptuous 金顶皇经堂始建于明永乐年间,清道光29年重建,装饰精美,富丽堂皇。 |
| 8. | Besides , records of western tributes , biography of emperor yongle , and the inscriptions at that time are important , too 永乐初,海寇陈祖义横行旧港,占据了明朝交通西洋诸国的通道。 |
| 9. | A very few cloisonn objects have been dated on stylistic grounds to the yongle reign ( 1403 ? 24 ) of the early ming dynasty 极少的景泰蓝器物已被依据型制而断代为明早期的永乐年间( 1403 - 24 ) 。 |
| 10. | Siku quanshu includes a total of over 3500 kinds of books in over 79000 volumes , which is 3 . 5 times the size of yongle dadian 《四库全书》收录著作3500多种,共79000多卷,比《永乐大典》的卷数多出三倍半。 |