n. 1.(pl. Yakima(s)) 雅吉瓦人〔住在美国华盛顿州的萨哈泼丁印第安部族人〕。 2.雅吉瓦语。
Example Sentences:
Of the yakima valley , the mcson trio 在雅吉瓦山谷的巡回演出,麦克森三重唱
Of the yakima valley , the mcson trio 在雅吉瓦山谷的巡回演出,麦克森三重唱
A mammoth that died thousands of years ago near what is now yakima is slowly revealing its secrets to scientists , and they ' re putting out the welcome mat for people interested in pitching in and helping to cover the project costs 一只死于数万年前的猛犸象正在现今美国华盛顿州的雅基马城附近向考古学家们慢慢揭开它的神秘面纱。由于项目资金短缺,考古学家们欢迎那些对此感兴趣的有识之士和愿意为此慷慨解囊的人们前来助一臂之力。