| 1. | Wsdm does not define any standard relationship types Wsdm并没有定义标准的关系类型。 |
| 2. | Wsdm will continue to evolve in many ways Wsdm将会继续以多种方式发展。 |
| 3. | Wsdm provides significant value to three major groups Wsdm向三个主要团体提供了重要的评价: |
| 4. | The following lists some of the key design goals for wsdm 以下是wsdm一些主要设计目标的清单: |
| 5. | Shows an example relationship from the wsdm muws specification 显示了来自wsdm muws规范的关系实例: |
| 6. | Wsdm is an ibm - endorsed specification that builds on wsrf and wsn Wsdm是ibm认可的一种在wsrf和wsn基础上构建的规范。 |
| 7. | Wsdm was representing access to manageable resource interfaces directly as web services - - wsdm表示直接将可管理的资源接口作为web服务来访问。 |
| 8. | Wsdm will evolve as the specifications it depends on become oasis and w3c standards Wsdm将会随着它所依赖的规范成为oasis和w3c标准而得到发展。 |
| 9. | Wsdm will also evolve as the industry sorts out competing and overlapping specifications Wsdm也将会随着业界挑选出富有竞争性的规范而得以发展。 |
| 10. | Get the following wsdm specfiications some of which are still in committee or working draft 获得以下wsdm规范(部分仍是工作草案或仍在审议中) : |