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Chinese translation for "wos"


Related Translations:
wos wireless office system:  无线办公系统
Example Sentences:
1.And which it is to be took into account that if it wos , it wouldn t , even then , be all o one side
2.Now , what i would humbly offer to you , sir , pursued mr . cruncher , even if it wos so , which i don t say it is -
“我没说有那回事,可就算有吧, ”克朗彻先生接下去说, “我恭恭敬敬向你提个建议。 ”
3.He d never have no good of it ; he d want all along to be out of the line , if he could see his way out , being once in - even if it wos so
但凡能不干,早就想不干了,可已经干上了我是说即使是已经干上了。 ”
4.Would be mine , if it wos so , entreatin of you fur to bear in mind that wot i said just now , i up and said in the good cause when i might have kep it back
就算有那么回事吧,我求你记住我刚才说的话我原可以不说的,可我说了,为的也就是求个平安。 ”
5.And here s mrs . cruncher , or leastways wos in the old england times , and would be to - morrow , if cause given , a floppin again the business to that degree as is ruinating stark ruinating
6.If it wos so , which i still don t say it is for i will not prewaricate to you , sir , let that there boy keep his father s place , and take care of his mother ; don t blow upon that boy s father - do not do it , sir - and let that father go
7.I hope , sir , pleaded the abashed mr . cruncher , that a gentleman like yourself wot i ve had the honour of odd jobbing till i m grey at it , would think twice about harming of me , even if it wos , - so i don t say it is , but even if it wos
“我希望,先生, ”克朗彻先生涨红了脸恳求道, “我有幸给您干点零活,直干到头发全白。就算我干过那样的事我没说干过,只说就算干过我也希望像你这样的厚道人在打算跟我过不去时多想一想。
8.A pre - columbus chinese medal unearthed near north carolina in usa will be unveiled by its owner dr . siu - leung lee previously the associate director of hong kong institute of biotechnology who was once a critic of menzies ideas but now believes cheng wos seventh and final voyage in 1430 did include north america
该铜牌在美国近北卡罗莱纳州附近出土,物主李兆良博士前香港生物科技研究院副院长对铜牌作了初步化学分析,由持反对加文孟席斯gavin menzies意见变成"郑和发现美洲说"的支持者。
9.Into the line of the reg lar diggin , and make amends for what he would have un - dug - if it wos so - by diggin of em in with a will , and with conwictions respectin the futur keepin of em safe . that , mr . lorry , said mr . cruncher , wiping his forehead with his arm , as an announcement that he had arrived at the peroration of his discourse , is wot i would respectfully offer to you , sir
别毁了那孩子的爸爸,千万别,先生,就让他爸爸去当个正经的挖坟匠,诚心诚意挖坟,往里面埋人,算作是对当初挖坟往外面抬人这事儿就算抬过吧认个错,相信他永远会埋得严严实实的, ”克朗彻先生说,一面用手臂擦着脑门上的汗,表示他的发言已近尾声。
10.The map shows geographical features that could only have been gathered by cheng wo and other chinese explorers . gavin menzies will elaborate on cheng wos seven voyages which probably reached america at least 70 years before columbus and australia 250 years before cook . for the first time in hong kong
加文孟席斯gavin menzies为" 1421年:中国发现世界"的作者,书籍于2002年出版,提出郑和及其舰队可能比哥伦布最少早70年抵达美国比库克船长captain cook早250年抵澳洲的理论,观点备受争议。
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