The navvy shouts . we are the boys . of wexford 大声喊我们是韦克斯福德的男子汉。
Home wexford , pennsylvania parents : jim shelly 最喜欢的运动:棒球,排球
To wexford , we are the boys of wexford , he would 我们是韦克斯福德的小伙子,他非去不可。
We are the boys of wexford 我们是韦克斯福德的男子汉,
Full name : christina maria aguilera birthplace staten island , new york home wexford , pennsylvania 加入克里斯蒂娜星光俱乐部,结识更多好友
Yet that is what britain ' s constitution currently allows : ruth rendell , creator of chief inspector wexford , and p . d 美国《联邦论》作者们的答案是,在制定国法中连侦探小说家也能发表意见,这可不是一句玩笑话。
With j . j . o molloy he came forth slowly into mary s abbey where draymen were loading floats with sacks of carob and palmnut meal , o connor , wexford 那里,车夫们正往一辆辆平板车上装着一麻袋一麻袋角豆面和椰子粉,韦克斯福德的奥康内尔。
The significance of this has been marked by the establishment of an internationally important wild bird reserve in county wexford on the south - east coast . inland waters support colonies of swans , geese , waders , duck , tern and gulls 在位于东南海岸的威克斯福特( wexford )郡,建有了一个在国际上占有重要地位的野生鸟类保护区,爱尔兰在保护世界鸟类生存环境中的作用,由此可见一斑。
Where are the greek merchants that came through the pillars of hercules , the gibraltar now grabbed by the foe of mankind , with gold and tyrian purple to sell in wexford at the fair of carmen ? read tacitus and ptolemy , even giraldus cambrensis 当年,希腊商人从赫刺克勒斯的两根柱子377也就是如今已被人类公敌霸占了的直布罗陀之间穿行前来,以便在韦克斯福德的卡曼集市上出售他们带来的黄金和推罗紫378 ,如今安在?
Will share his reflections on the power and unique language of fiction in the man booker prize distinguished lecture 2006 . the profoundly moving , beautifully crafted prose has led banville being heralded as a master at the top of his game and one of the great fictional stylists of our time . born in wexford in ireland in 1945 , banville was educated at a christian brothers school and st peter s college in wexford 二零零五年曼-布克文学奖man booker prize得主约翰班维尔john banville将在二零零六曼-布克文学奖杰出学人讲座man booker prize distinguished lecture 2006分享其对小说的力量及特别用语的反思。