Keisei bus service 047 - 432 - 1891 wakayama bus line service 0734 - 45 - 3131 京成巴士和歌山巴士
Nankaiwakayamashi station , jr wakayama station , Jr和歌山车站
The location is the best due to good access of train car , well - organized high - way to kobe kyoto wakayama area Atc交通便利,周围道路不拥挤。对我们营业所来说,地理位置很合适。
Pending , which is effective as an animal invasion prevention system . we used farm defense on a trial basis for two years in four locations in nara prefecture in nara city , haibara town yamazoe village and muroo village and also in three locations in kozakawa town in wakayama prefecture 使用农场防御器守护农田的2年间,在奈良县内的4个市町村奈良市,榛原町,山添村,室生村和歌山县古座川町的3个地方进行了使用,结果都没有遭受灾害。
1984 " trends of contemporary japanese art 1970 1984 " , tokyo metropolitan art museum 1987 international ceramics exhibition , museum of new south wales university , australia 1990 " contemporary ceramics 1950 1990 " , museum of modem art , wakayama and contemporary ceramics exhibition , itami city arts and 日本大都会美术馆东京国立现代艺术博物馆爱知县立陶艺博物馆京都国家现代艺术博物馆法国政府洛桑装饰艺术博物馆法国政府洛桑装饰艺术博物馆法恩扎国际陶艺博物馆埃弗逊美术馆新南威尔士美术馆等。