| 1. | The poor student was plucked in his examination ... 那个差生未考上。 |
| 2. | He was fascinated by the founding fathers . 他特别景仰的是开国元勋。 |
| 3. | There was a record playing in the next room . 隔壁房间里正在放唱片。 |
| 4. | His problem began when he was a child . 他的这个问题起始于孩提时代。 |
| 5. | The wall was marked with damp in several places . 那堵墙有几处潮斑。 |
| 6. | His message was not very happily worded . 他的通知在措辞上有些欠妥。 |
| 7. | The president's look was cold and penetrating . 总统的目光冷峻刺人。 |
| 8. | It was a very aged, ghostly place . 那是一个年代久远鬼气森森的地方。 |
| 9. | It was impossible to associate failure with him ... 想不到他会失败。 |
| 10. | The handle of his hunting knife was neatly carved . 猎刀柄雕工精美。 |