锤: Ⅰ名词1.(一种古代兵器) a metal ball with a handle or chain, used as weapon; mace2.(秤坨; 像锤的东西) weight 短语和例子秤锤 steelyard weight; 平衡锤 balance weight; 调节锤 governor weight3.(锤子) hammer 短语和例子大锤 sledge-ha
高速锤: high energy rate forging hammerhigh speed-energy forging machinepetro-forge
高速: (高速度) high speed; high velocity (hv); high rate; swift; fast; express; high-speed 短语和例子高速发展 develop by leaps and bounds; develop at top speed; 高速前进 advance at high speed; 高速刨床 high-speed p