No doubt a mampus of volk of our own rank will be down here in their carriages as soon as tis known 用不着怀疑,这消息一传出去,和我们一样的贵族人家就要成群结队地坐着马车来拜访我们了。
Despite all the meetings , the director of moscow ' s heritage foundation , yevgeni volk , tells voa he expects the ceremonies will be the main focus of the gathered leaders 莫斯科传统基金会的总裁沃尔克告诉本台,尽管要举行这些会议,他认为这些领导人齐聚莫斯科的重点是参加庆典。
This contractarian ideal of " people " is interpreted as the idea of " nation " viewed as the hegemony of bourgeoisie in the course of french revolution , and developed further into a cultural organism of volk by german romantic movement 人民作为国家立宪的主体,进而被论证为最高主权的基源,是十七世纪社约论之主权学说的论旨。