| 1. | Vive henri quatre ! vive ce roi vaillant ! sang morel , winking 法语:亨利四世万岁,万岁,勇敢的国王! |
| 2. | Vive lempereur ! lempereur ! rostov could hear distinctly now 现在罗斯托夫已经清晰地听见“ vivelempereur , lempereur ” ! |
| 3. | Cette couleur est trop vive . avez - vous des chapeaux en couleur plus fonc e 这颜色太刺眼了。你们有没有颜色深一点的帽子? |
| 4. | Vive la france 法语万岁! |
| 5. | Vive l ' anjou 兰州万岁! |
| 6. | But as soon as they clambered out in drenched and streaming clothes they shouted vive lempereur 但他们刚一上岸,湿透的军服还滴着晶晶的水流,就高呼: “万岁! ” |
| 7. | My master returned to the blackboard and wrote in large letters " vive la franca " then he stood against the door 校长回身在黑板上用大写字母写了“法兰西万岁” ,然后他靠在了门上。 |
| 8. | The young girl was never still for a second . she would always be on the qui vive waiting for something new or exciting 这个小女孩老是不安分。她总是渴望出现一些新鲜事或令人兴奋的玩意。 |
| 9. | No sooner had the adjutant said this than the old whiskered officer , with happy face and sparkling eyes , brandished his sabre in the air shouting vive lempereur 副官语音一落,这位胡髭浓密的老军官喜形于色,两眼发亮,高举军刀,大呼“万岁! ” |