By combining the sturdy body of the vielle with the clever arrangement of the pegs in the rebec , a new group of instruments was born 把维尔琴坚固的琴身和雷贝克琴巧妙的弦轴安排组合在一起,就产生了一组新的乐器。
Thus , immediately adjoining the park des tournelles , between the rue saint - antoine and the vielle rue du temple , there stood sainte - catherine , with its immense cultivated lands , which were terminated only by the wall of paris 例如,紧靠着小塔林苑,在圣安东街和老圣殿街之间,有圣卡特琳教堂及其一望无边的田园,只是由于巴黎城垣挡住了,其界限才没有再扩展开去。