She went from the latest novel to orlando furioso, from the euphues of john lyly to the tender melancholy of verlaine . 她阅读的范围从最新的小说到《奥兰多弗里奥莎》,从约翰利利的文体绮丽的著作到魏尔伦的颓废的柔情。
Verlaine ' the rifle 魏伦,来复枪
She went from the latest novel to orlando furioso , from the euphues of john lyly to the tender melancholy of verlaine 她阅读的范围从最新的小说到《奥兰多?弗里奥莎》 ,从约翰?利利的文体绮丽的著作到魏尔伦的颓废的柔情。
She went from the latest novel to orlando furioso , from the euphues of john lyly to the tender melancholy of verlaine 她阅读的范围从最新的小说到《奥兰多弗里奥莎》 ,从约翰利利的文体绮丽的著作到魏尔伦的颓废的柔情。
Imagine mr . butler living up to social etiquette and enunciating his views on paul verlaine or the german drama or the novels of d annunzio . we d be bored to death 你想想看,若是让巴特勒先生出于社交礼仪而大谈其保尔魏尔伦德国戏剧或是邓南遮,岂不是要闷死人吗?