| 1. | Experiments on residential area center - commercial street design in chunsheng vanke town 春申万科城的商业街设计 |
| 2. | Henceforth , shenzhen longcheer yacht club co . , ltd . has officially become a subordinate to vanke 从此,深圳市浪骑游艇会有限公司正式成为万科下属全资子公司。 |
| 3. | China vanke ' s largest real estate companies in the real estate and long - term groups are interactive design services 中国最大的房地产公司万科地产及中海集团长期互动设计服务商。 |
| 4. | In june 2006 , vanke reached an equity transfer agreement with longcheer and completed all procedures related 2006年6月,万科公司与浪骑公司达成股权转让协议,并完成了全部相关手续。 |
| 5. | However , longcheer yacht club has been always an independent brand which exists and will continually exist after vanke purchased longcheer 收购后的浪骑游艇会仍作为一个独立品牌而存在。 |
| 6. | A case study about vanke also was provided based on the theories stated above . some further study suggestions about real 提出了今后对房地产企业扩张中存在的某些问题进行进一步研究的建议。 |
| 7. | This e - mail and its attachments contain confidential information from vanke , which is intended only for the person or entity whose address is listed above 本空间日记及其照片含有公司的商业信息,仅限于发送给上面地址中列出的个人或群组。 |
| 8. | A lot of real estate giant developers scramble to enter into the hexi new city , including vanke , zhonghai , wanda and etc . , who are ambitious for this promising land 发展的空间、市场的需求、广阔的前景就像一块磁石,使全国各地有实力的开发商纷至沓来。 |
| 9. | “ the main ecological concept is that vanke shall provide their clients with a sustainable living area where the housings seems to be grown from the mountain integrated with the nature “这个主要生态概念是万科应该提供他们的业主一个可行的居住区域,这里房子看起来好像从山里长出来,与自然结合在一起。 |
| 10. | Vanke will be investing several billion rmb to develop a chinese version of the maldives on dalajia island , and several billion dollars to develop a helicopter transport system , which will be a semi - private service 万科拟在大辣甲岛投入数十亿元开发中国式的“马尔代夫” ,有直升机通航,实行半封闭服务。 |