A grand and almost untrodden field of inquiry will be opened . 一片广大而尚无人迹的研究领域将被开辟。
For the most part untrodden as yet by tourist or landscape-painter, though within a four hour's journey from london . 虽然离伦敦不过四个钟头的路程,但是它的大部分却还不曾有过游历家和风景画家的足迹。
Presley laid down his pen and leaned back in his chair, with the certainty that for one moment he had touched untrod heights . 普瑞斯莱放下钢笔,靠在椅背上,自以为这一会总算攀上了人迹未到的高山绝顶。
He swung off the path and plunged into the untrodden places of the wood 他拐了一个弯,离开小径,朝林中沓无人迹的地方走去。
You would be leading your students , by your example , along untrodden paths to the cutting edge 你往往是以身作则,引导学生沿着人迹罕至的小道,到达陡峭的知识前沿。
You would be leading your students , by your example , along untrodden paths to the cutting edge 你得以身作则、身先士卒地引领着学生沿着一条无人涉足的研究道路去探索(某一学科)的前沿领域。
Clare held out tender , protecting arms , and together they wandered through the untrodden ways like two children - - - the world and its retribution quite forgot 他张开了温柔的保护之臂。他们象两个孩子一样一同漫游在人迹未曾到过的道路上,完全忘记了世界和它的惩罚。
So when i like , i can fire , said pierre , and at the word three , he walked with rapid steps forward , straying off the beaten track and stepping over the untrodden snow 皮埃尔听见喊“三”时,就迈开脚步,飞快地往前走去,他离开踩出的小径,沿着没有人走过的雪地大踏步前进。
The village of marlott lay amid the north - eastern undulations of the beautiful vale of blakemore or blackmoor aforesaid , an engirdled and secluded region , for the most part untrodden as yet by tourist or landscape - painter , though within a four hours journey from london 布莱克莫尔谷四周环山,是一片幽僻的区域,虽然离伦敦只有不到四个小时的路程,但是直到现在它的大部分地区都还不曾有过旅游者或风景画家的足迹。
Descending into the grotto , he lifted the stone , filled his pockets with gems , put the box together as well and securely as he could , sprinkled fresh sand over the spot from which it had been taken , and then carefully trod down the earth to give it everywhere a uniform appearance ; then , quitting the grotto , he replaced the stone , heaping on it broken masses of rocks and rough fragments of crumbling granite , filling the interstices with earth , into which he deftly inserted rapidly growing plants , such as the wild myrtle and flowering thorn , then carefully watering these new plantations , he scrupulously effaced every trace of footsteps , leaving the approach to the cavern as savage - looking and untrodden as he had found it 然后,走出洞来,把那块石头盖回原处,在上面堆了些破碎的岩石和大块的花岗石碎片,又用泥土填满石缝,移了几棵香桃木和荆棘花种植在这些石缝里,并给这些新移种的植物浇些水,使它们看起来象是很久以来就生长在这儿的一样,然后擦去四周的脚印,焦急地等待他的同伴回来。他并不想整天地去望着那些黄金和钻石,或留在基督山岛上,象一条似的守护着那些沉在地下的宝藏。