adj. 1.不亲切的,冷淡的。 2.没礼貌的,粗野的。 3.令人不快的,讨厌的。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
Example Sentences:
It would be ungracious not to accept your invitation . 盛情难却。
There was little enough in him to brighten her face, for he was a sullen young fellow, and ungracious in his manner even to her . 他这个人,照说没有什么可取的地方足以使她笑逐颜开的,因为他是个乖戾的青年人,即使对她也没有什么礼貌之可言。
Not courteous or in good taste ; ungracious 没有礼貌的或没有好品味的;粗野的
That sounds like a reproach , marguerite . you re being ungracious “你是在埋怨我,玛格丽特,这可不公道啊! ”
The other replied with an ungracious grunt , but swung alongside 对方不客气地哼了一声,算是回答,却转身过来和他一起走。
Oh ! how heartily did she grieve over every ungracious sensation she had ever encouraged , every saucy speech she had ever directed towards him 她一想起自己以前竟会那样厌恶他,竟会对他那样出言唐突,真是万分伤心!
She entered the room with an air more than usually ungracious , made no other reply to elizabeth s salutation than a slight inclination of the head , and sat down without saying a word 客人走进屋来的那副神气非常没有礼貌。伊丽莎白招呼她,她只稍微侧了一下头,便一屁股坐下来,一句话也不说。
After putting her finger in her mouth , with many ungracious refusals to answer good mr . wilson s question , the child finally announced that she had not been made at all , but had been plucked by her mother off the bush of wild roses that grew by the prison - door 这孩子把手指放到嘴里,对好心肠的成尔逊先生的问题,一再粗野地拒不回答,最后居然宣称她根本不是造出来的,面是她妈妈从长在牢门边的野玫瑰丛中采下来的。
Thursday was to be the wedding day , and on wednesday miss lucas paid her farewell visit ; and when she rose to take leave , elizabeth , ashamed of her mother s ungracious and reluctant good wishes , and sincerely affected herself , accompanied her out of the room 星期四就是佳期,卢卡斯小姐星期三到班府上来辞行。当夏绿蒂起身告别的时候,伊丽莎白一方面由于母亲那些死样怪气的吉利话,使她听得不好意思,另一方面自己也委实有动无衷,便不由得送她走出房门。
Statistically , i may be far from reality , but it helps by putting things in perspective . we could take as a reminder that three seconds of what we say and how we behave can wipe out what the volunteer has taken three weeks or more to communicate - that singaporeans can be something else other than efficient , hardworking but ungracious 在国外的新加坡义工,花三个星期或更多时间努力向他人证明,新加坡人也能够关怀他人,并不只是如一般人所说,有效率勤劳但缺乏优雅行为,却可能因为我们在三分钟里的言谈举止,完全被否定。