Liu hulan unflinchingly faced death under the butcher 's knife of the enemy . 刘胡兰在敌人的屠刀面前大义凛然,视死如归。
This is courage in a man : to bear unflinchingly what heaven sends 真正的勇气是:无所畏惧地接受上天给你的一切。
It reflects unflinchingly back at the reader the sheer , comic absurdity of man ' s fallen humanity 而且,他还毫不犹豫地将沉沦以及荒谬至极的人性展现给读者。
She is not what in common parlance is called a lady , said angel , unflinchingly , for she is a cottager s daughter , as i am proud to say “按照普通的说法,她是不能被称为小姐的, ”安琪尔急忙说,一点儿也不畏惧。 “因为我可以骄傲地说,她是一个乡下小户人家的女儿。