For more information about how to cloak and uncloak folders , see 有关如何掩蔽和取消掩蔽文件夹的更多信息,请参见
Explains the steps that you must follow to cloak and uncloak folders in a workspace 说明要掩蔽和取消掩蔽工作区中的文件夹所必须执行的步骤。
Bloom uncloaks impressively , revealing obesity , unrolls a paper and reads solemnly 威风凛凛地脱下大笔,露出肥胖的身躯。打开一卷纸,庄严地朗读。
Now that the mystery of how the session id is generated has been uncloaked , let s look at a function that uses it 既然如何生成会话id的秘密已经被解开,那么让我们看一看使用它的函数。
The following example retrieves the version of all uncloaked items from the server as they existed in the server when changeset 271 was created C : projects > tf get 1256 . cs ; c1999下面的示例从服务器检索创建变更集1999时存在于服务器中的所有未掩蔽的项的版本。
C : - tf get 1256 . cs ; 8 the following example retrieves the latest versions of all uncloaked items from the server folder and subfolders to the c : - projects directory and creates local folders where they are required 下面的示例将所有未掩蔽的项的最新版本从服务器文件夹和子文件夹检索到c : projects目录,并在需要的位置创建工作文件夹。