| 1. | The meeting ended and the all - important question remained unasked 会议结束了,重要的问题都未提出来 |
| 2. | Twice has she condescended to give me her opinion unasked too 蒙她两次替我在这件事情上提出了意见而且并不是我请教她的! |
| 3. | Come not near the books or writings of anyone so as to read them unasked ; also look not nigh when another is writing a letter 别人在看书或别的东西时不要走近,以免擅自阅读;别人写信时也不要近看。 |
| 4. | There is this vice in all singers , that if asked to sing among their friends they are never so inclined , but unasked they never leave off 所有歌手都犯此毛病,请他在朋友之间唱,他们不是那么愿意,但不被邀请,他们又死赖不走 |
| 5. | There is this vice in all singes , that if ask to sing among their friends they are never so inclined , but unasked they never leave off 所有歌手都有这种怪癖:请他们在朋友之间唱的时候,总要托词推托;而人家没请他们唱的时候,可又唱个不停。 |
| 6. | I didn t get enlightenment to earn money , but it just happened ; it just happened that everything else became very smooth , unasked for , and that s true 我不是为了赚钱才去寻找开悟的,但开悟后万事都变得非常顺利,不用你去要求,它自然如此,真的是这样! |
| 7. | These verbs are compared as they mean to put oneself forward and intervene in the affairs of others when unasked to do so and often in an impudent or indiscreet manner 当这些动词指某人未经要求就介入或插手别人的事,并且通常是以一种鲁莽或不礼貌的方式时对他们加以比较。 |
| 8. | We passed the triangular farm on our left and the path widened to allow us to walk together . i hung back in the separate unasked and unanswerable questions 我们走过左边三角形的农场,路变宽了,可以允许我们并排走在一起。但我畏缩地走在后面,想着那些没有问出口也无法回答的问题。 |
| 9. | Day by day thou art making me worthy of the simple , great gifts that thou gavest to me unasked - - this sky and the light , this body and the life and the mind - - saving me from perils of overmuch desire 你使我一天一天地更配领受你自动的、简单伟大的赐予这天空和光明,这躯体和生命与心灵把我从极欲的危险中拯救了出来。 |
| 10. | Then you also have your own wisdom . you know that god is within you , you contact that god and get blessed every day , unasked , in plenty until you re filled up with blessings , and then you give them to someone else 那样自己内边的智慧也会开,了解上帝就在我们内边,每天与上帝沟通,不用开口就可以得到满满加持,多到用不完,还可以分给别人。 |