| 1. | She puzzled by the sudden ugliness . 她被这突如其来的尴尬局面弄得惊疑不已。 |
| 2. | There are numerous forms of psychological ugliness . 有许多形式的心理上的丑陋。 |
| 3. | She deeply hated ugliness or intrusion or arrogance . 她对邪恶、霸道和傲慢深恶痛绝。 |
| 4. | Cold and ugliness were a good tonic for relaxed sensibilities . 对清心寡欲的人来说,寒冷和凄凉的景象正是一剂良药。 |
| 5. | There have also been ugliness and injustice in corporate wielding of power . 大公司在行使权力上也有过丑陋的事和非正义的行动。 |
| 6. | She had sought to be definite in analyzing the surface ugliness of the small town . 她竭力要弄清楚,这个小镇的外貌为什么会这样丑陋不堪。 |
| 7. | Some of the violets themselves felt that the ugliness of the little dwarf was almost ostentatious . 其实有一些紫罗兰也觉得小矮人的丑陋大半是他自己故意做出来的。 |
| 8. | Ugliness is one of the seven deadly virtues, gladys. you, as a good tory, must not underrate them . 丑恶是七大德行之一,格拉迪斯。你是个死心塌地的保皇党,别把这些德行低估了。 |
| 9. | They simply don't like the environment of civilization; this is, the city, with all its ugliness and tension . 他们就是不喜欢文明世界的环境,也就是说不喜欢大都市,充满了丑恶与紧张的大都市。 |
| 10. | Travellers being used to the loveliness and charm of old world cities have long noted the sameness and ugliness of american cities . 看惯旧世界城市可爱迷人之处的旅客,早已看出美国城市的千篇一律和丑陋了。 |