In the ci - poetry world of the early period of southern song dynasty su shi ' s ci - poetry was turgidly defined , devoutly imitated and widely followed as an orthodox model and as a sutra of that time 摘要南宋初,苏轼词被推至词坛“正统”受到广泛的追拟摹仿,甚至被提升到“宋一经”的高度,得到夸大性的阐释。
But as before the lightning the serried stormclouds , heavy with preponderant excess of moisture , in swollen masses turgidly distended , compass earth and sky in one vast slumber , impending above parched field and drowsy oxen and blighted growth of shrub and verdure till in an instant a flash rives their centres and with the reverberation of the thunder the cloudburst pours its torrent , so and not otherwise was the transformation , violent and instantaneous , upon the utterance of the word 293然而闪电之前,密集的雨云因含湿气过多变得沉甸甸的,膨胀起来。大团大团地蔓延,围住天与地,使其处于深沉的酣睡状态并低垂在干涸的原野困倦的牛和枯萎的灌木丛与新绿的嫩叶上。接着,刹那间闪光将它们一劈两半,随着雷声轰鸣,大雨倾盆而下。