| 1. | To purchase high quality dvd cd of tsem tulku rinpoche s teachings 请一尊庄严的佛像回家 |
| 2. | Tsem tulku rinpoche s audience room click for larger image 请点击观看放大图宗喀巴大师长寿像 |
| 3. | Tsem transmission scanning electron microscope 发射电子扫描显微镜 |
| 4. | May 31 , 1990 was tsem tulku rinpoche s enthronement day 1990年5月31日,詹杜固仁波切坐床大典的日子。 |
| 5. | On the left is hutuktu telopa rinpoche and on the right is tsem tulku rinpoche 此照片摄于甘丹措林比丘尼寺院。 |
| 6. | Tsem tulku rinpoche escorts h . e . kensur rinpoche jampa yeshe to the taj mahal in india 尊贵的宋仁波切,一位拥有浩瀚知识与实修之伟大上师。 |
| 7. | It was kyabje zong rinpoche s previous life that instructed tsem tulku rinpoche to enter this house 是宋仁波切的前世指示詹仁波切加入这分院。 |
| 8. | Venerable tsem tulku rinpoche is a recognized incarnate rinpoche from gaden monastery - mundgod , south india 詹杜固仁波切被印证为甘丹寺方丈的转世。 |
| 9. | Kyabje zong rinpoche was the first lama to recognize tsem tulku rinpoche as a reincarnation of gaden 宋仁波切是第一位认证詹仁波切为甘丹高僧转世的喇嘛。 |
| 10. | Now , one is able to direct dharma questions to tsem rinpoche even though one is thousand miles away 如今,即使您身在千里之外,您也能够向詹仁波切发问佛法课题。 |