Recent researches extend the single axis approach to recover unknown rotation angles from uncalibrated image sequence based on a projective geometry approach . but these methods limited by the expense of computing fundamental matrices and trifocal tensors or of the nonlinear optimization involved in computing epipolar tangencies 因此,探索一种有效而简单的算法,求解单轴旋转运动中的不变量和旋转角度,是当前计算机视觉技术中的一个热点研究课题,也是本文的研究目的和出发点。
This contrasts with the computation of fundamental matrices and trifocal tensors , which use only a subsequence of 2 and 3 views respectively . secondly , in our methods , the essential geometry of the image single axis geometry may be specified by six parameters and this may be estimated from one conic and one fundamental matrix ( a total of 12 parameters ) or may be minimally estimated from two conies ( a total of 10 parameters ) . previous methods have involved estimating more than this minimum number of parameters 从本质上讲,本文提出的算法是一个多视角几何算法,它充分利用了所获得的图象序列,将单轴旋转运动的几何信息很好地融入于二次曲线当中,从而创新地提出了利用二次曲线对单轴旋转运动的不变量进行分析的方法,并首次求解出了单轴旋转运动中的全部不变量。