| 1. | Standard specification for travertine dimension stone 石灰华规格石料的标准规范 |
| 2. | The floristic characteristics of tufa bryophytes and the main travertine deposition types in uk 英国钙华苔藓植物区系特征及其主要钙华沉积类型 |
| 3. | The bryophyte communities associated with travertine depositon in northwestern england and north wales , u . k 英国英格兰西北部和威尔士北部岩溶地区钙华苔藓植物群落研究 |
| 4. | Marble compound tiles , artificial stones . white marble , black granite , beige limestone , chinese travertine , yellow sandstone 其中白色大理石黑色花岗岩米黄系列品种中国洞石黄色砂岩等都是我公司的优势产品。 |
| 5. | The colosseum was constructed with tens of thousands of tons of a type of marble called travertine and held together with 300 tons of iron 罗马竞技场是由数万吨名为“石灰华”的大理石加上300吨的钢铁铸建而成。 |
| 6. | The travertine landscapes were affected by a kind of recession which expressed for drought lakes , shrinked waterfalls and collapsed ponds 九寨沟黄龙地区景观钙华局部出现了衰退迹象,表现为湖泊干涸、瀑布萎缩、彩池坍塌,景观生命受到严重威胁。 |
| 7. | Thousands of etruscan and roman terracotta vases , polychrome mosaic tiles , pieces of travertine and multi - coloured marble that once adorned roman villas were recovered 和其它考古工具的艺术品修复在被发现的数千件古代艺术品中,有伊特鲁里亚和罗马地区的 |
| 8. | The travertine has the character of surviving and perishing together with karstic water , lacking of saturated karstic water , the travertine landscapes would be blacken , spalled , sanded , and collapsed 钙华具有“与水共存亡”之特性,失去饱和岩溶水滋养的钙华会变黑、剥落、砂化、垮塌。 |
| 9. | The travertine landscapes conservation should take the measure of plugging and adding calcium basing on the hydrogical property and recession reason of travertine , and the measures be in harmony with the environment 景观保育应根据钙华的水理性质和衰退原因采取“堵漏、补钙”措施,并与环境相协调。 |
| 10. | And 14 species associated with tufa deposition at cave entrance , 4 travertine types of bryophytes can be distinguished : stalacitite , travertine on cave wall , floor seepage , droping - water travertine 14种洞穴苔藓植物参与了洞穴洞口钙华沉积,沉积形态包括钟乳石、洞壁钙华、洞底泉华和洞底滴水钙华4种类型。 |