You followed him to stacey travers ' home , 你跟踪他到斯苔丝?柴维斯的家里
We also can ' t get travers on the phone 我们也无法在电话上联系到柴维斯
Une immense esprance a travers la terre , he read somewhere , and his comment was : - and it s darned - well drowned everything worth having 他添了一个注说: “这希望把一切有价值的东西都扫荡无余了。 ”
Nuclear energy . nuclear fuel technology - waste . assessment of radionuclides by non destructive measurement of radionuclide travers 核能.核燃料技术废物.通过对放射性核素迁移的无损测量评定放射性核素
In all lateral movements shoulder - in , travers , renvers , half - pass , the horse is slightly bent and moves with the forehand on different tracks 在肩内、腰内、腰外和斜横步各种侧方运动中,马的前躯是轻微的朝不同的方向曲绕。
Collection is developed through the use of shoulder - in , travers , renvers and last but not least , half pass ( article 412 . ) and especially half - halts ( article 408 ) 让马匹收缩是利用肩内、腰内、腰外以及但不仅于斜横步(第412条) ,更重要的还有半减却(第408条) 。