Transferrable bond and the state - owned enterprise financing 可转换债券与国有企业融资
All fees paid are not refundable and non - transferrable 所有已缴交之费用恕不退还及不可转让。
The card can be used by the legal holder only which cannot be transferrable to others 优惠卡只限您本人使用,请不要将此卡借与他人使用。
The grant is non - transferrable and will be valid for 3 years from the date of approval of the application 专利申请资助于申请获批当日起计三年内有效,而资助金额不能转让。
Mode1 . us $ 69 . 80 ( sixty eight usd ) . / dmt cnf for irrevocable , non - transferrable , opetative credit on a yearly basis for three year 我们希望将总量扩展到720万公吨/年,买方为同一个厂家,我们将根据信用证付款方式确定价格。
A ticket is referred to as " non - refundable , non - exchangeable , non - transferrable " , it means that this ticket cannot be modified , refunded or re - issued 若机票上列明不设退款、不能更改与不可转让,则表示该机票无法退票。
Work permit is not transferrable between institutes and only valid for a time ( like your visa ) . and don ' t expect to get a wp for a cleaner ' s job 我现在如果办一个与我专业无关的工作许可证,将来我正式在英国工作时,我用的还是这个吗? .如果是个清洁工的工作许可证,对我将来的工作会用影响吗
The next chapter gives detailed analysis and discussion on the legal status of consignee when bill of lading is issued or is not . there exist seven theories to explain the legal basis on which the consignee takes rights and responsibilities . by analysis and comparision , the author comes to the conclusion that when transferrable bill is issued , the theory of " security relationship " can better explain the origin of consignee ' s rights , while he takes the responsibilities according to direct stipulations of law 接下来,分别对提单、电子提单和海运单项下的收货人的法律地位进行了具体论述,着重分析了目前存在的各种学说的成功与不足之处,以及收货人享有权利和承担义务的法理依据,得出结论认为在签发提单和电子提单的情况下,证券关系说可以作为收货人享有权利的法律依据,法律规定说可以作为收货人承担义务的法理依据的结论。