29 . oda nobunaga and toyotomi hideyoshi 30 29 .织田信长和丰臣秀吉
Unification by oda nobunaga and toyotomi hideyoshi hein bunri separation of peasants and warriors and the korean invasion 由织田信长丰臣秀吉进行的统一事业
In 1597 toyotomi made an example of 26 christians - - six missionaries and twenty japanese - - by cutting off their ears and marching them from kyoto to nagasaki in the dead of winter 1597年,丰臣秀吉用26名基督徒树立典型? ? 6名传教士和20名日本人,他割掉他们的耳朵,让他们在严冬季节从京都一路示众至长崎。