At 1872 , they built a temple named " chuan eng bio " located near jalan timur now 就在一八七二年,于东街区建立昭应庙。
The mausoleum of khoja ahmed yasawi , in the town of yasi , now turkestan , was built at the time of timur ( tamerlane ) , from 1389 to 1405 霍贾?艾哈迈德?亚萨维陵墓,位于突厥斯坦(以前称为亚瑟市) ,建造于帖木儿时期,即公元1389年至1405年。
Timur hahn , 26 , who studies english , media studies and computing in marburg , said after the show late on monday that he wanted to pay back his mother for all her support 在参加“谁想成为百万富翁”电视智力竞赛得奖后提姆表示,他打算用奖金回报母亲对他的养育之恩。
Timur hahn , 26 , who studies english , media studies and computing in marburg , said after the show late on monday that he wanted to pay back his mother for all her support 据路透社1月9日报道,现年26岁的提姆?哈恩在德国马尔堡学习。在参加“谁想成为百万富翁”电视智力竞赛得奖后提姆表示,他打算用奖金回报母亲对他的养育之恩。