Worked in thyssen for about 2 years as a high performance project team manager 在蒂森电梯工作了2年,从事大型项目的电梯销售及高端电梯咨询顾问工作。
In 1970 a highly innovative sintering plant was established at the thyssen company 1970年,在图森thyssen公司诞生了一个作为洗选台的烧结设备新品种。
Thyssen and krupp merged their steel operations in 1997 and consolidated production in duisburg , on the rhine 在1997年,蒂森和克虏伯合并了,开始在莱茵河畔的杜伊斯堡统一生产。
The region ' s big steel groups , thyssen , krupp and mannesmann , forged the weapons for germany ' s armies and later the sheet metal for its automobiles 鲁尔地区的大钢铁集团包括蒂森、克虏伯和曼内斯曼,曾为德国军队生产过武器,后来才开始为德国汽车业生产金属板材。
With 25 . 1 % of the shares , another 2 . 8 % owned by the thyssen foundation , and the right to nominate two members , the krupp foundation was already in a position to ensure the firm ' s stability and to deter unwanted corporate raiders 克虏伯基金会拥有25 . 1 %的股份,并且有权利任命2个成员,另外2 . 8 %被蒂森基金会拥有,克虏伯基金会已经能够保证公司的稳定和防止公司的意想不到的危机。
He acquired more than 10 years experience within the company thyssen krupp frdertechnik gmbh where he took over responsibility of planning , project management and international sales of machines and plants for crushing , grinding and drying of bulk solids 他有着10年在图森克虏伯thyssen krupp输送技术有限公司从事用于破碎磨碎和干磨装料的机器设备的规划设计以及销售的工作经验。
On one hand one can inquire more comprehensive conditions of steel construction , industrial plant construction or of industrial boilers or on the other hand of refuse incineration plants , waste incineration plants , waste heat boilers in addition to bridge sanitation and steam boilers and steam generators , under the number + 49 203 44 98 - 314 at thyssen kloenne gmbh Thyssen kloenne gmbh是一家高级企业,该企业针对客户需求制造专门的废热锅炉、余热锅炉,桥梁整修,蒸气锅炉和蒸气机,垃圾焚烧设备,工业设备制造,工业锅炉,钢结构。