| 1. | Because sunday must textually research , saturday is must go all out toreview . . 因为星期日要考证,星期六是要拼命拼命地复习的。 。 。 |
| 2. | Usually , the local scope references the local names of the ( textually ) current function 从文本意义上讲,局部作用域引用当前函数的命名。 |
| 3. | Usually , the local scope references the local names of the ( textually ) current function 从字面意义上讲,局部作用域引用当前函数的命名。 |
| 4. | Because compilers operate on symbols , you can express symbols textually or graphically 由于编译器是对符号进行操作的,因此我们可以采用文本或图形化的形式来表示符号。 |
| 5. | Xml bridges part of that gap , by providing the building blocks for " serializing " uml data textually 通过以文本方式提供“序列化” uml数据的构件, xml消除了二者之间的部分差距。 |
| 6. | Because there is no declarative way of describing a class s thread - safety behavior , it must be described textually 因为(还)没有描述类的线程安全行为的声明式方式,所以必须用文字描述。 |
| 7. | Some domain - specific languages are easier to enter textually , while others are easier to enter graphically 有些领域特有的语言采用文本形式输入更简单,而另外一些语言则通过图形化的形式输入更简单。 |
| 8. | The browser renders the page it receives from the server graphically and textually ; users look at and activate the web page 浏览器将从服务器接收到的页面以图形和文本方式呈现;用户看到并激活web页面。 |
| 9. | Whether a program in a domain - specific language is entered textually or graphically , the same amount of information flows from the programmer to the computer 不管使用某种领域特有的语言编写的程序是通过文本形式输入的,还是通过图形化方式输入的,对于计算机来说,程序员都提供了相同数量的信息。 |
| 10. | Focused on textual metaprogramming systems ; however , many metaprogramming systems are graphical in nature . let s begin by examining a program represented both textually and graphically and see what the similarities and differences are 下面让我们来看一个分别使用图形化和文本化呈现的程序,并介绍它们之间到底有哪些相似性和区别。 |