The boy was shot and squat with the broad ugly pleasant face of a temne . 这个男孩身体矮壮,生着一张丑陋却讨人喜欢的泰姆纳人的扁阔的面孔。
Language : english is the official language . mende , limba , temne and krio ( creole ) are also widely spoken 语言:官方语言为英语,部族语言主要有曼迪语、林姆巴语、泰姆奈语和克里奥尔语。
Ethnic composition : african ( totally 20 tribes , including mende , temne , limba and etc . ) 99 % , european and asian 1 % 民族:非洲人(曼迪族、泰姆奈族、林姆巴族等20个部族)占99 ,欧洲人和亚洲人占1