Once the axon makes contact with the tectal neuron ' s dendritic arbor , a synapse forms between them and , voil , the two neurons that fire together are wired together 一旦轴突连上了顶盖神经元的树突分枝,就会在其间形成突触,哇啦,同时激发的神经元就串连在一起了。
This fact led me to speculate that an axon could find its retinal cell neighbors in the tectum by homing in on chemical scents released by active tectal neurons , because its neighbors were most likely at the source of this trail 这让我怀疑,轴突是否可以藉著活跃的顶盖神经元释出的化学物质,找到顶盖里的视网膜细胞邻居,因为它的邻居最有可能就在这条路的起点。