| 1. | El jobo community committee , tamanique county 达玛尼克郡荷柏社区委员会 |
| 2. | The citizens of tamanique county present this banner to master , which bears their hand - embroidered words of gratitude 达玛尼克郡的郡民献给师父这方布幔,上面以手工绣上他们的感激心意。 |
| 3. | During our stay in tamanique county , many households earnestly invited us to stay in their homes temporarily ; their cordial reception warmed our hearts 当我们停留达玛尼克郡期间,许多家庭热忱地邀请我们暂宿他们家中,他们的盛情接待,令我们感到温馨满怀。 |
| 4. | First , we visited several communities in tamanique county to determine the practical needs of the victims , and then divided into several groups to handle different work assignments 我们首先探访达玛尼克郡各个社区,以了解灾民的实际需要,然后再分组进行各项行动。 |
| 5. | These are the heartfelt words of the people of tamanique county to you . you will always see the smiling faces of our people , both young and old , as they say " thank you . 这些是达玛尼克郡人民要献给您们的肺腑之言,不论何时,您们将看到男女老幼对您们说谢谢时的一张张笑颜。 |
| 6. | It was a long trip to el jobo , for we were not familiar with the travel routes and had to change buses four times before we finally arrived at the center of tamanique county 学校所策划的这个活动,正好给我们一个良机,发送师父的样书以及邀请他们叁加隔天在荷柏所举办的讲座。 |
| 7. | Our main mission in tamanique was to visit the local communities to determine which homes were in poor condition and vulnerable to heavy rain , so that we could ensure that the materials would really reach them 我们来到达玛尼克郡的首要任务为探访各社区,寻出居住情况恶劣可能会遭受豪雨侵袭的家庭,以便将物资确实送达他们手中。 |
| 8. | When our team arrived in el salvador , we were immediately greeted by the citizens and councilors of tamanique county , who stood in ranks to welcome us and invited us to a vegetarian dinner at the hotel where we were staying 当我们一行人抵达萨尔瓦多时,立刻受到达玛尼克郡人民和当地议员们的列队欢迎,并邀请我们在住宿的旅馆共进素食晚餐。 |
| 9. | Fellow practitioners visited several communities and provided aid to 257 households in tamanique county , including el jobo , la lima , la cumbre , san isidro , and two remote villages . severely devastated rural communities where little international aid could reach were listed as top priorities for the relief operation 同修们先后探访了达玛尼克郡tamanique的荷柏el jobo利玛la lima昆布雷la cumbre和圣伊西德罗san isidro等社区,及另外两个偏远村庄,共257户人家受到照顾。 |
| 10. | The tamanique reconstruction committee and the benefited victims are not only very grateful to you , but also firmly believe that you and your association will be blessed by god s infinite grace . to the representatives that you dispatched to carry out the relief work , we wish to express our great admiration and inner feelings : they are diligent and responsible people , who have magnanimous hearts and a spirit of service 达玛尼克重建委员会以及受助灾民不但心存感激,而且确信您和贵会必受到上帝无比的赐福此外,对于您委派前来从事赈济工作的代表,我们除了深表敬佩之意,在此还想表达内心对他们的感想:他们都是勤勉负责的人,尤其是具有宽阔胸襟和服务精神。 |