Sleep - related neurogenic tachypnea 睡眠相关的神经性呼吸急促症
During the treatment course , tachypnea was noted , despite a high level of sedatives and neuromuscular blocking agents 因为呼吸急促,我们使用了高剂量的安眠剂及肌肉松弛剂,但发现病人依旧呈现呼吸急促。
Bedside monitors can be set to alarm for bradycardia or tachycardia , hypotension or hypertension , tachypnea , and / or oxygen desaturation 经过设置,床边监测仪可以警示下列情况:心动过缓或过速,低或高血压、呼吸急促和/或氧减饱和。
After measurement of airway pressure , airway flow , and esophageal pressure , tachypnea was proved to be caused by ventilator autotriggering as a result of cardiogenic oscillation 在测量了呼吸道压力、食道压力以及气流后,病人呼吸急促的原因证实为心脏震颤造成之呼吸器自发性驱动。