From behind our screen of sumac , we lookedright down at the cows that were jostling each other and blundering around in the muck , complaining oftheir full udders 我们在漆树林后面时,看到那些跌跌撞撞、挤作一团的母牛,正为自己涨鼓鼓的奶子急呢。
“ rain - washed and windswept , sumac brightens as it nears peak season . once used as a simple dye , these leaves still color the countryside each autumn 每当临近漆树的生长旺季,其树叶在经历了风吹雨打之后色彩显得更为明亮。每年的秋季,这些过去单纯用作染料的叶子给乡村抹上亮丽的装扮。