n. 1.用蒙骗手段获取利益〔尤指骗取教会捐赠〕。 2.隐瞒真相虚报事实。 3.由虚伪事实所引出的推断。 adj. -reptitious ,-ly adv.
Example Sentences:
That is to say , when a calamity happen , the local government suppress the truth in public or stealthily for some reason , they either play down its truth or do some subreption in order to make common people in dark , which will result in rumor and scandal being spread about 即灾难事故发生后,当地政府由于种种原因或明或暗地压制报道,或者是大事化小、小事化了,或者歪曲事实真相糊弄老百姓,造成当地群众对有关亲身利益的身边灾情含糊不清,甚至一无所知,从而导致流言蜚语盛行。