Some have suggested that stradivari used beams from ancient cathedrals ; others argued that he gave his wood a good urine soaking 有人认为,史特拉底瓦里取材自古教堂里的横梁;也有人认为他的木料浸过特殊的溶液。
The previous world auction record for a musical instrument was 1 . 8 million dollars , for a stradivari violin sold at christie s in london in 1990 200多万美元的实际拍卖价格远远超出了此前人们对这把小提琴的最高估价。
Italy produced outstanding families of violin - makers . probably the greatest of these was auto - nio stradivari ( 1644 - 1737 ) 意大利造就了许多杰出的小提琴制造家族,其中最伟大的恐怕要数安东尼奥?斯特拉迪瓦里( 1644 1737 )了。
Stradivari is called the master of all masters . he developed a larger , flatter type of violin than had been made before , which gave it more tone power 斯特拉迪瓦里被称为大师中的大师,他研制了一种比以往所制造的更宽大、更平展的小提琴,在音调上具有更大的表现力。
Such conditions would have been especially harsh for a tree adapted to temperate climes , such as the norway spruce , stradivari ' s favorite for making soundboards 这样的环境,对于像挪威云杉这类习惯温暖气候的植物来说,无疑是最严酷的考验,而挪威云杉正是史特拉底瓦里拿来制作共鸣板的不二选择。
With the support of the clarisse b kampel foundation , he furthers his studies in new york city . li performs on a g . b . guadagnini , of turin , italy , c 1784 on extended loan from the stradivari society 现时他用以演奏的乐器,是一七八四年制于意大利都灵的瓜达尼尼小提琴,由史塔第发利学会长期借予使用。
A stradivari violin sold for just over two million dollars at auction in new york , smashing the previous world record for a musical instrument . the violin made by antonio stradivari in 1699 , the year before his golden period , was sold by christie s for 2 , 032 , 000 dollars , far above its pre - sale high estimate of 1 . 2 million dollars 22日,这把名为“ lady tennant ”的小提琴在纽约佳士得拍卖行拍出了203 . 2万美元的高价,而此前这把小提琴的预计拍卖价则在80万美元到120万美元之间。