Research on menarche and first spermatorrhea of students in guangdong province 广东省中小学生月经初潮与首次遗精年龄现状及趋势分析
These include : anemia , arthritis , impotence , spermatorrhea , and menopausal complaints 如贫血,关节炎,阳痿,精子缺乏症,和月经不调等。
If this action is impaired , hemorrhage , premature ejaculation , spontaneous sweating , urinary incontinence , and spermatorrhea will occur 如果此功能受损,将会出现出血、早泄、自汗、遗尿和遗精。
Warming the kidney and fixing sperm , used in ache and weak at waist and knee , vertigo and tinnitus , spermatorrhea and prospermia caused by insufficiency of the kidney - yang 温肾固精。用于肾阳不足所致的腰膝酸软、头晕耳鸣、遗精早泄,有助于男性器官二次发育。