| 1. | It was not long before he spoke mandarin, with a trace of the soft soochow tones . 没有多久,他就说上一口北京话,带有一些甜丝丝的苏州音。 |
| 2. | Two years later when chou had withdrawn from government because of illness, i encountered the same tableau in soochow . 两年后,那时周因病不再主持政府工作,我在苏州又碰到同样的情景。 |
| 3. | On the development of sociology in soochow university 学生课业负担过重的社会学分析 |
| 4. | A there - year - old killed by japanese forces near suzhou ( soochow ) 在苏州郊外被杀死的一个三岁儿童。 |
| 5. | Li guohao ' s position paper on the bridges over the soochow creek in shanghai 李国豪关于上海市苏州河上桥梁的意见书 |
| 6. | Soochow university library 铭传大学图书馆 |
| 7. | Many professors in soochow university and nanjing normal university are honored consultants of hshrri 两所大学多名教授被聘为本研究所的名誉顾问。 |
| 8. | The author agrees that the [ soochow university ] may in its sole discretion grant national central library or other database providers a sublicense whether or not the license fee is charged 二、作者同意东吴大学得依其决定,以有偿或无偿之方式再授权予国家图书馆或其他资料库业者。 |
| 9. | Besides , hshrri has cooperated with lots of domestic and foreign capital invested enterprises in soochow , offering consultation for their management strategies and human resources plans 此外,我们还与苏州地区多家内、外资企业建立有长期的合作关系,为其提供各种经营策略咨询,量身定做各类人力资源诊断、优化与研究方案,并辅以执行。 |
| 10. | Hshrri has good co - operational relationship with institute of applied psychology ( iap ) , soochow university and institute of economical psychology ( iep ) , nanjing normal university , which includes the share of human and information resource 我们与苏州大学应用心理研究所、南京师范大学经济心理研究所建立有长期交流合作关系,合作内容包括人员共享、资源共享、信息共享。 |