| 1. | His social attitudes are being questioned . 他的处世的态度受到质疑。 |
| 2. | He had a quiet, tidy social manner . 他有一种文静、磊落的社交仪态。 |
| 3. | Correct ideas come from social practice . 正确的思想来自社会实践。 |
| 4. | All social phenomena are interconnected . 一切社会现象都是互相联系的。 |
| 5. | Social development is indeed double-edged . 社会发展实际上是利弊参半。 |
| 6. | Huntingtower road was in a better social area . 亨廷托尔路位于富裕区。 |
| 7. | I've promise to do the social side . 我许过愿,要从社会方面来写。 |
| 8. | Man 's social being determines his consciousness . 存在决定意识。 |
| 9. | The social order of ants is very interesting . 蚂蚁的社会结构非常有趣。 |
| 10. | Most bees and wasps are social insects . 大多数蜜蜂和黄蜂都是群居昆虫。 |