You ' re from smyrna , georgia . you were born in 1 967 你1967年出生于乔治亚州士麦那市
" i thought you were at smyrna 我还以为你在士麦拿呢。
I , who have a seraglio at cairo , one at smyrna , and one at constantinople , preside at a wedding ? - never ! 我在开罗士麦拿君士坦丁堡都有藏娇的迷宫,可是我为人主持过一次婚礼吗?
11 which said : " write on a scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches : to ephesus , smyrna , pergamum , thyatira , sardis , philadelphia and laodicea . 12我转过身来,要看是谁发声与我说话;既转过来,就看见七个金灯台。
On the 24th of february , 1810 , the look - out at notre - dame de la garde signalled the three - master , the pharaon from smyrna , trieste , and naples 一八一五年二月二十四日,在避风堰了望塔上的了望员向人们发出了信号,告之三桅帆船法老号到了。
I am just a girl from smyrna , georgia who wanted to be in movies , " roberts once said and it is a sentiment that clearly touches american audiences 我不过是个来自乔治亚州士麦那城的普通女孩,想要拍电影而已。 ”无疑正是这种情感打动了美国观众。
Saying , what you see , put in a book , and send it to the seven churches ; to ephesus and to smyrna and to pergamos and to thyatira and to sardis and to philadelphia and to laodicea 你所看见的,当写在书上,达与以弗所,士每拿,别迦摩,推雅推喇,撒狄,非拉铁非,老底嘉,那七个教会。
The prisoner himself is named edmond dant s , mate on board the three - master the pharaon , trading in cotton with alexandria and smyrna , and belonging to morrel son , of marseilles . 犯人名子叫爱德蒙唐太斯,是三桅大帆船法老号上的大副,那条船是从亚历山大和士麦拿装棉花来的,是马摩父子公司所有。 ”
Saying , what you see write in a scroll and send it to the seven churches : to ephesus and to smyrna and to pergamos and to thyatira and to sardis and to philadelphia and to laodicea 11你所看见的,当写在书上,寄给那七个召会:给以弗所、给士每拿、给别迦摩、给推雅推喇、给撒狄、给非拉铁非、给老底嘉。
Rev . 1 : 11 saying , what you see write in a scroll and send it to the seven churches : to ephesus and to smyrna and to pergamos and to thyatira and to sardis and to philadelphia and to laodicea 启一11你所看见的,当写在书上,寄给那七个召会:给以弗所、给士每拿、给别迦摩、给推雅推喇、给撒狄、给非拉铁非、给老底嘉。