Alas , the pine nuts attuned the grand masters to a sirian dream and not a dream of terra 唉可是,松仁将大师们调谐到一个天狼星梦想而非一个地球梦想。
This was a time shortly following the seeding of the human species on earth by the sirian race some 200 , 000 years ago 该时期在20万年前天狼星族人在地球上创下人类种子后的很短时间内发生。
Sirian , pleiadian and orion humans have incurred so much karma for the destruction that they have pressed upon earth that it will take them eons of time to clear it 天狼星、昴宿星和猎户星人类已招致了这么多因将破坏转嫁地球而带来的业力,他们需要亿万年时间来清除。
She has held the gift of connecting with what she called " the medicines " , which are souls remaining from failed human ascension that remembered the sirian seeding , and hid from the dark connected to the nature kingdoms 在美洲土著人教导里,狐狸经常被用来与“巧妙地击倒”或“狡猾地击倒”黑暗势力联系起来。
Blue eyes were never a part of the sirian encoding , and so a pathway must be carved from blue to green receptors , and this is gradually occurring but may take another year or more to complete in full 蓝眼睛从来不是天狼星编码(译注:即天狼星基因)的一部份,因而从蓝接受器转到绿接受器的路径必须被切割出来,这逐渐地发生,但可能需要花费一年或更多年来充分完善。
Each of the 48 herbs associated with the language of light came with sirian grand masters as they were seeded upon earth some 50 , 000 years ago ( 200 , 000 human years ) , as did many flowering plants and spices humanity is currently drawn to 与光之语相关的所有48种药草,是随天狼星大师在约5万地球年( 20万人类年)前来到地球之时一同前来的,人类当今所喜爱的众多花卉与香料也是如此。