Avoid cheaper plastic visors or goggles that scratch easily and make sure the lenses are shatterproof 避免采用廉价的塑胶面罩和容易磨损的护目镜。切记使用不碎镜片。
The door , which has extruded aluminum frame , is said to be weather - resistant , shatterproof , and warp - proof 那扇有突出铝框的门据说经得起风吹雨打,不会打破,也不会扭曲。
All purpose goggle . anti - fog shatterproof polycarbonate lenses with metallic coating . uv protection . adjustable tpr split head strap . integrated tpr soft frame and gasket 多功能游泳泳镜,聚碳酸酯纤维与金属涂层,防紫外线.泳镜带可调松紧.垫圈很软,佩戴舒适!
93012 nike remora iii goggle is a performance racing goggle , anti - fog shatterproof polycarbonate lenses , uv protection , neoprene and plastic gasket , three sizes of nose piece , double silicone head strap 专业游泳泳镜,防碎的聚碳酸酯纤维,防紫外线,氯丁胶和塑料垫圈,有3个鼻桥供您更换,双重硅胶泳镜带
The damage done to the car led them to the conclusion that the car did not hit a person , but an " iron man " had wrecked the car ! the bumper was bent ; shards from the windscreen and window panes were scattered over the road . the bonnet was severely dented , while the windscreen would have come off completely had it not been shatterproof 这哪是车撞了人,分明是铁人撞了车,只见车的保险杆已弯曲,挡风玻璃及窗户已撞碎飞到马路到处都是,车盖也变形塌陷,驾驶座前挡风玻璃要不是防震的,恐怕也全掉下来了。