It might be very well for an unmarried young curate to be shamefaced in such matters . 一个没有结婚的年轻副牧师在这种事情上羞羞怯怯,这也许是正常的。
The factories were gone; the shops, the houses were thinning out, offering glimpses of a still shamefaced landscape . 工厂消失了,商店和住房也渐渐稀少,只有几处可怜巴巴的风景。
My heads in a whirl , said the old gentleman , with a somewhat shamefaced smile at his son 我简直晕头转向了, ”老头子说,他面露微笑,好像在儿子面前有点害臊似的。
That ll do , game ball , blazes boylan said . she bestowed fat pears neatly , head by tail , and among them ripe shamefaced peaches 她把圆滚滚的梨头尾交错地码得整整,还在夹缝儿里撂上羞红了脸的熟桃。
But as soon as pierre turned to him , he wrapped his dressing - gown round him with a shamefaced and wrathful look , and hastily retreated 但当皮埃尔转身看他时,他便又害羞又生气地裹紧外套匆忙走开。
In shamefaced and happy confusion , pierre glanced at her now and then , and was thinking what to say now to change the subject 皮埃尔有点局促不安,他感到幸福,又有点羞怯,不时看上她一眼,他想说点什么,把话题引开。
There was something shamefaced or diffident about the movement , as if the intention were to conceal any idea of stopping until the very last moment 这人的行动有些害羞或者有些胆怯,好像不到最后一刻都不打算暴露任何要停下来的想法。
And i have to say , shamefaced as i am , being more proficient in english appealed to me more when the possibility of being effectively bilingual became almost non - existent 惭愧的是,当精通双语的可能性变得几乎不存在时,对我来说,掌握英文更具吸引力。
A little shamefaced girl lisped , " mary had a little lamb , " etc . , performed a compassion - inspiring curtsy , got her meed of applause , and sat down flushed and happy 一个小女孩脸通红口不清地背诵了“玛丽有只小羊羔”等,然后十分认真地行了个屈膝礼。
At the second course , with the gigantic sturgeon at the sight of which ilya andreitch flushed with shamefaced delight , the footman began popping corks and pouring out champagne . after the fish , which made a certain sensation , count ilya andreitch exchanged glances with the other stewards 在端出第二道菜大鲟鱼拼盘时,伊利亚安德烈伊奇看见鲟鱼,欢喜而又腼腆得面红耳赤,仆人开始砰砰地打开瓶塞,在斟香槟酒了。