| 1. | The law of nature contributed to the abolishment of villeinage and serfdom . 自然法对于废除农奴制和奴隶制起了很大的作用。 |
| 2. | The serfs were liberated after abolishing serfdom 废除农奴制度后,农奴们获得了解放。 |
| 3. | The theory of serfdom of marx and engels 马克思恩格斯农奴制理论的再认识 |
| 4. | Analysis of cultural factors in the obstinate existence of russian serfdom 俄国农奴制顽固存在的文化因素探析 |
| 5. | Yours serfdom , awe and humbleness : ours thunder and the seas 216你们信仰奴役畏惧与谦卑;我们信仰雷和海洋。 |
| 6. | Comparing some policies reformation between meiji reformation of japan and serfdom of russia 论农奴制改革后俄国专制制度的演变 |
| 7. | Narrator : churchill , who was influenced by hayek ' s book the road to serfdom , opposed planning and controls 旁白:受哈耶克《通往奴役之路》一书影响的邱吉尔反对计划和控制。 |
| 8. | Sachs would realize what " the road to serfdom " is really about , and how it is of great relevance to mr 具有讽刺意味的是,萨克斯先生时下所从事的工作与他在[科学的美国人]里所写的几乎毫不相干。 |
| 9. | Mr friedman and kindred spirits ? such as friedrich von hayek , author of “ the road to serfdom ” ? were seen as cranks 弗里德曼和他的同道中人《通往奴役之路》的作者哈耶克( 1974年诺贝尔经济学奖得主) ,在那个时代都被认为是异想天开的之流。 |
| 10. | In modem times , the reason why the agriculture of russia lags behind the times , besides the social cause of the un - sufficient reform of serfdom system , lies in the backward technology 摘要近代俄国农业落后,除了农奴制改革不彻底的社会原因之外,还有技术原因。 |