n. (pl. seraglios) 1.(伊斯兰教国家的)后宫;闺房。 2.(一群)妻,妾。 3.〔the (old) S-〕 【历史】(土耳其)宫廷。
Example Sentences:
I , who have a seraglio at cairo , one at smyrna , and one at constantinople , preside at a wedding ? - never ! 我在开罗士麦拿君士坦丁堡都有藏娇的迷宫,可是我为人主持过一次婚礼吗?
I would not exchange this one little english girl for the grand turk s whole seraglio , gazelle - eyes , houri forms , and all 我可不愿用这个英国小姑娘去换取土耳其王后宫的全部嫔妃,即便她们有羚羊般眼睛,女神一般的形体! ”
I ll not stand you an inch in the stead of a seraglio , i said ; so don t consider me an equivalent for one . if you have a fancy for anything in that line , away with you , sir , to the bazaars of stamboul without delay , and lay out in extensive slave - purchases some of that spare cash you seem at a loss to spend satisfactorily here “我丝毫比不了你后宫中的嫔妃, ”我说, “所以你就别把我同她们相提并论,要是你喜欢这类东西,那你就走吧,先生,立刻就到伊斯坦布尔的市场上去,把你不知道如何开开心心在这儿花掉的部分现金,投入到大宗奴隶购买上去。 ”