Homozygous races do not segregate on selfing . 自体受精不能分离纯合的生理小种。
Most seed orchard theory is based on the assumption that panmixis will occur and that selfing will not be a serious problem . 大多数关于种子园理论,是以假定能发生随机交配和自花受精而不会成为严重问题为依据的。
Selfing is inhibited by genetic self incompatibility and also by the fact that within a single flower the stigma is receptive before the anthes are ready to shed pollen . 由于遗传上的自交不亲和性以及花中柱头只能在花粉准备撒粉以前接受花粉,因而防止了自交。
F2 the second filial generation , obtained by crossing or selfing within the f1 generation 子二代(杂种二代) : ,通过子一代内部的杂交或自交获得。
On selfing or crossing heterozygotes some double recessives may appear , giving viable offspring 在自交或杂交产生的杂合子中双隐性性状可以表现出来并产生可育后代。
Selfing heterozygotes halves the heterozygosity , and thus outbreeding maintains heterozygosity and produces a more adaptable population 自交杂合子有一半杂合性,因此远系繁殖可以产生适应能量更强的种群。
The seed - set by legitimate union is higher than that by illegitimate union . as to pollination effect , the seed - set of p . cicutarrifolia usually depends on pollinator visiting , but selfing will be favored in the stressed environment 其同型花授粉率高,异型花授粉率低,而毛茛叶报春在正常情况下,以虫媒授粉为主,当环境受到协迫时,也可进行自花授粉。
It revealed that these two transformants were heterozygote , and the foreign gene inserted just to on locus in the plant genome . as the observed ratio of progeny of two transformants which on selfing was 3 : 1 , it was proved to be heterozygote for two transformants 其中2棵抗性株自交后代的遗传分析表明,真空渗入法所得的转化株为杂合体,且其分离比符合3 : 1的单基因分离规律。
In normal greenhouse condition , coda - transgenic wheat lines ( to ) had the same plant morphorlogy and pollen i2 - ki staining rate as untransformed control plant . after treating with 300 mm of 5 - fc , however , changes in configurations of spikelet , floret and anther have been observed in the transgenic lines but not in the control , and 50 % gus - positive lines displayed outside - opened glume , abnormal stamen , smaller and thinner anther , shorter filament , and failure of selfing . in parts of 5 - fc - treated transgenic lines , the pollen staining rate by i2 - ki was much lower than that of untransformed control 温室栽培的转基因小麦苗( t _ 0 )未喷5 - fc处理时植株外部形态和花粉碘-碘化钾染色的着色率与未转基因的对照没有差异;用300mm的5 - fc处理后,发现有50 gus阳性株系与对照有明显的区别,表现为小穗颖壳外张,花丝短缩,花药发育不良,较小、黄白色且花粉粒少,自花不授粉,无外来花粉授粉则不结实。